Duncan is someone who has “definitely been around campus,” as he puts it. The biology
student and school leader has run a number of clubs at Highline College and is a recognizable
face to many.
Drafting Student Uses Leadership Position to Advocate for Change and Help Others
Demetrius understands how to look out for his fellow students. The 35-year-old is
a leader in the campus community, through his work at the Center for Cultural & Inclusive
How the Power of Education Helped Transform Highline Alumna
"I was in the 7th grade, when I began to ruin my life." This candid admission, from
Highline College Alumna Christy Bowman-White, reveals the downward trajectory she
faced at an early age before eventually finding her feet.
Design Student Finds Her Inspiration at Highline College
It can take a few attempts to get it right. Gabby Davidson explored a couple of
career paths before following her true passion and graduating with a Bachelor of Applied
Science in Integrated Design.
Running Start Alumna Takes Seat as Renton Chamber of Commerce Board Chair
Once a shy, introverted teenager pursuing her associate degree as a Highline College
Running Start student in 2005, Danielle (Dani) Smith is now a force to be reckoned